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GDSO 2023 Priorities

Published on 07/07/2023
7/7/2023 2023 - the year of the TIS implementation

After one year and half since GDSO foundation, we are proud to consider 2022 as the year for the kick-off and positioning within the Tyre Industry at Global scale and with concrete results.
Indeed we were able to raise key stakeholders’ interest on both the Collaboration approach and the Value Proposition of the Tyre Information Service (TIS), that became real with early adopters too.

Then, interested on GDSO Priorities for 2023?
Sure, Grow and scale-up at first!
To achieve it, we need additional tyre manufacturers joining the Organisation and eager to work on the TIS Implementation.
This will be essential in supporting the TIS Adoption along the tyre value chain, that means Customer centricity.
Hence Services Improvement or new ones to be developed, keeping at the heart the Standardisation of new topics aimed at simplifying and enabling the use cases around tyres’ data transfer.

For more information, contact us at info@gdso.org
GDSO 2023 Priorities