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Company prefix(es) code(s) vs Company name

IMPORTANT: In case you copy and paste the values be sure that Company Prefixes starting with "0" (zero) are mantained as such
051342 Continental
086699 Michelin
328634 Bridgestone
4038526 Goodyear
4038527 Goodyear
5414801 Bridgestone
8019227 Pirelli
54520002 Goodyear
54520003 Goodyear
54520004 Goodyear
54520005 Goodyear
54520006 Goodyear
54520007 Goodyear
54520008 Goodyear
54520009 Goodyear
54520010 Goodyear
69246991 Giti
69328771 Giti
69335073 Giti
69356724 Giti
69438295 Giti
89908761 Giti
89908767 Giti
8807622 Nexen